Connection Dogma
I recently saw quite a few social media posts critiquing higher level wcs dancers for various aspects of their connection. Some of this can be chalked up to ignorance or jealousy (not that there aren't other potential attitudes too), but I think that a lot of misunderstanding comes from a limited point of view. There's a saying I like: "there are none so righteous as the newly converted." That is, the first time you learn something that you're excited by or are exposed to something that creates a solution to one of your problems, you're likely to go a little crazy for it and maybe proclaim it as the One True Way. This is prevalent all across our dance (and our lives in general)--you'll encounter west coast swing dancers who are zealots for a certain type of '1' for a follow, for a certain handhold, a certain pitch, certain type of settling action or footwork on an anchor, a certain type of footwear... the lists go on. And the most vocal propo...