Allstar Life Crisis
There's that saying, "there's no place to go after allstar." That's partly true. Allstar is where the west coast swing competitive divisions... stop. You either become a champion, you quit, or you stay an allstar. It's somewhat rare air. Simultaneously, there are at least a couple of individuals who have managed to compete in allstar within a year or two of starting their competitive career. Wcs is far too deep and complex a movement art to even approach mastering in that time period, so simply based on that I don't think we can view 'competing in allstar' as some sort of final end point. On a logistical level, anyone who can make finals in a medium-sized advanced division with some regularity, who competes enough in three years can make allstar. When looked at in this way, entry to the division isn't such a high bar in the grand scheme of things. On the other hand, there are professional instructors of some repute and lifelong wcs devot...