Back to the Floor
Once social dancing stopped (or we stopped social dancing, anyway) due to the virus, I took a break from dancing. I'd never really taken a break from dancing before, in 5 years of west coast swing--maybe a little over a week at the most. But I felt burned out, tired, and it seemed like as good a time as any to stop for a bit. I decided to wait until I really felt hungry for it to dance again. So I waited. And waited.... And I didn't miss it. Didn't miss the socials, didn't miss competing, didn't miss the lessons, didn't miss dancing, period. And I waited some more.... Then about a week ago it hit me all at once. I wanted to dance again! In fact, I wanted nothing else. I was watching videos constantly, reading old posts, looking at all my past lesson notes, and I wanted to talk about dance, too. Single spaced summary of training that got me into advanced. After that I stopped taking as many notes. What I still didn't miss was the week t...