Jack and Jill prelims and the two rules of online dating

I think I only heard this joke once, but I remembered it right away. What are the two rules of online dating? 1. Be attractive. 2. Don't be un attractive At some point, I was talking with a few friends about what, if anything, the 'secret sauce' or 'weird trick' was to succeeding on the wcs competition floor. Specifically, in jack & jill prelims. My answer was based on the online dating joke. What are the two rules of success in J&J prelims? 1. Be noticed. 2. Look like you mean it. That's it. I honestly think that these two rules are what separate dancers of equal skill and in fact often propel 'worse' (ie less knowledgeable, less generous, less technical--whatever that means) dancers to later rounds above dancers who might 'deserve it more' based on their overall abilities: knowledge of the dance, partnering, phrasing and musicality, and so on. Next time you watch a J&J prelim, let your eyes wander across the floor witho...