The dance journal
The dance journal – how to get better at getting better If you’re trying to improve, a dance journal is going to be one of your best friends. I feel like a lot of people take notes/keep video summaries after private lessons, group classes at events, etc. This is great! But a lot of times you’ll forget these or not use them simply because the information isn’t relevant to you. Keeping track of your own process, what works well for you and why, what feels good in your body, and what you’re working on, is going to make all this information useful to you as an individual. Here’s a minimal way of doing this . First, you need a list of 5 or so things to work on and rank them by priority. The top priority is what you think will help you toward your overall dance goals the most . It’s entirely okay to be wrong about this, keeping track over time will help you figure this out. Each time you dance, make a bulleted list of thos...